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Let face it ?the world has become a dangerous place. Robberies, assaults and rapes are becoming common topics on the evening news.

Look at all the Reality Shows that are on the TV showing actual crimes being committed. Yeah, theye exiting to watch but what if the victim was you or one of your family?

Well here a great way to never become the victim. Pepper Spray is the most popular,beats by dre cheap, non-lethal personal defense product on the market today. It an inexpensive and a very effective way to stop an attacker in his tracks.

What is Pepper Spray? The ingredient in Pepper Spray is Oleoresin Capsicum (OC). It is a natural derivative of hot pepper plants. That why it called Pepper Spray.

Pepper Spray is an inflammatory agent. When a person is sprayed, there is an immediate reaction. First, the attacker eyes get tightly clamped shut and he experiences instant uncontrollable coughing which will stop him cold. This is because the OC causes an instant inflammation in the lungs. He only gets enough air for life support. This condition is temporary (lasts about 20-30 minutes) but it is VERY debilitating.

This allows time for you to get away ?don stand there and watch the attacker ?RUN! Even though he is hurting, he still might get a lucky punch at you. You should run away yelling ire, Fire?and call 911 if you have a cell phone. Why yell ire? Because it gets people attention. Too many of us may ignore a call for help or even a scream, but nobody ignores a call of ire.?It an instant reaction in us to respond.

Pepper Spray usually comes in containers small enough for a purse or pocket. It can also come disguised as pens, pagers, cell phones or rings as well as key chains and many more products. They are perfect for joggers, walkers, delivery people and great to keep any stray dogs away. What a great gift for the Coed who leaving for college. It the perfect defense product that anyone can use, regardless of size or age. It is small and compact, non-lethal and leaves no lasting effects on the attacker except, hopefully, some jail time.

Don be the next victim. Pepper Spray can keep you from becoming a crime statistic. Related articles:

