
beats by dre arty However w

 Chapter 99 returns a
The north in the mountain station together emperor sudden dissipation the smiling face of noodles, reply to live alone to often hold silently in.He grew up in the imperial palace since childhood, father emperor when the beginning lost then faced life a difficult test, although the strong dint in the bitterness lotus country teacher supported under, the queen mother embraced he spent this time bitter E, but such of the hair carried, destining his emperor career king would be not very agreeable.
Fluently there is much reason yes and not, but the most important of that, the nature is to conceal in his heart, in the queen mother heart, in the bitterness in the middle of the lotus country teacher heart that secret that can never declare to be more various than.
For the sake of this secret, north together the emperor paid too many sacrifice, do too many some changes of distortion personalities, he doesn't can have close relation with too many people, not ability and own elder sisters is too warm and affectionate, can not wanton to want to do what, do what, ten several in the last yearses, he nearby of the person have never changed and took a shower is like all tight blockader of like facing mortal enemy sort, empress those side imperial concubines in the temple still the You resent ……
For the sake of dispersion the south celebrate attention, for letting toward medium of the big ministers Jing come to, he with mother behind played a several years mother and child to so be unsuited to of opera, really hard.
He doesn't want to undertake these, but since have been already undertaken, is the posterity of war house and report to accept a grandfather in those early years and concuss to the utmost the ambition and will of world.He then wants to work well he's role.
Have to admit, these year he does very good, no one can pick a small emperor too many troubles.He tolerates even is secretly lure the Chinese fir tiger rain night Tu kill heavy, confiscate Chen Jia.The whole glorious dress Wei operation in the prison prison at in the imperial house's hand, keep under house arrest the last Chinese fir tiger to pare its drive for a year, put a tiger again to escort, inhibit Duo Duo to pressingly celebrate an army brigade at the south.In national territorial snuffing out Hao is strong, at the national territorial outside and Fan Jian collaborate with.
One Chun one Chun means connects ……these two years north together domestic affairs at his deal with under, the hair seems to be tidy more, particularly the matter of Chiang-Nan, more proved that this small emperor deeply strives for forethought and machine heart.
Even if the main matter of database inside Chiang-Nan isn't Fan Jian, think that necessarily he also has ability to secretly seek some advantages.But north together the emperor know it in heart, the layer class of advantage also divides a lot of kinds.Again how imagine, he has never thought as well in those early years, can pass Fan Jian.Seek so many benefitses for own imperial government.
He lightly clapped to clap a railing and looking at pure clear stream water in the mountain brook and sighed a , in a soft voice soliloquize a way:"But you with what come?With what give those advantages all I?"His lips Cape starts to be suffused with one silk inhospitality but the smiling face of taunt:"Celebrate the illegitimate child of country emperor ……and his father can have how many differentiation?"
Become a years of emperor in the study in, north together the emperor is unique to find out object in the present generation.Certainly is a south to celebrate that strong monarch, he knows the grow one generation than he of go together, how an ambition greed coexistence.The but again is good at bearing a severe role.
"You finally will be old, and have already been getting older ……north together the emperor Be tiny to knit the brows, the vision slightly turns and hopes toward the faraway south and thoughts of that the south that spread recently celebrates imperial house in Kyoto, and it contends for and in a soft voice says:"Even if you were a head of male in those early years lion, the big Wei who beat disintegrates and beat me to greatly and together linger on, can you are after all old.The whole individuals all deeply wear rotting flavor, I really hope, you can continue like this cunning and putrefied next go, give° him me to force to come over."
This a few words' seeming and being sighing history is each detail, seem and is increasing own confidence, because owner all clear, celebrate a country, that emperor again how sensitive distrustful bastard, but history believe history, but the history coming and going have been already proven, that celebrate country emperor, is these 30 the in the last years worlds are the only victor.
The eyes Mi of north together small emperor get up, the lips Cape is tiny to raise, soliloquize a mumbling way:"I hope that you can live down this time, it lets my just and upright at world this satge up defeat you."
He is some not understand Fan Jian, in fact Fan Jian ever can see pure he.
Is an emperor king, in spite of that heart inside the his body is what color, he is initial to consider of certainly is own emperor and world, if Fan Jian can remain peace and benefits to repair with each other with his relation, north together the emperor will don't hesitate the request that the whole prices satisfy Fan Jian, for example begonia, for example Fan if if do obeisance teacher.
Can in the future if Fan Jian threatenned north together, north together emperor will definitely the excrescent indifference use in hand all strength and drop Fan Jian's cancellation.
BE as irrelevant as emotion, have nothing to do with country's belonging to, have nothing to do with men and women.
This in this world, only three kinds of person-man, women, emperor.
Station next flowing water within brook to below the hills flow flow, flow to arrive the nextest and palatial cluster of side, remit into one pond clear water under the foot of a hill, the bearing westward of clear water has is a white the stone carve of small indentation, the clear water of Gu Gu from here indentation but, but have never asked for pond water contain the slightest movement.
At this time the forest after this pond clear water in, there is a big cluster of eunuch maid-in-waiting lowering the head a Lian voice to wait for, no one knows that the emperor his majesty dazes in the arbor between the halfway up a hill at this time, they know, the whole north together in addition to emperor his majesty outside of two people of the most expensive spirit, at this time just in pond water of side daze.
One wears hemp mourning garment and wears a Li hat, naked double of feet, have a liking for the country teacher of being like a bitter monk bitterness the lotus is sitting upright one side stone in the pure pond at this time up, hold a fishing pole in the hand.
But north together empress dowager, this for making his/her own son steady to sit a throne, don't know to pay how much mind, bear with how much the women that be good at of power disorderly government, smile to sit by the side of the bitterness lotus master's body, eyebrow eye is to the utmost happy and serene.
The war house rose from the world the disorderly bureau in those early years, strong line of Israel army's dint inheritted big treasure in the Wei sky, however for successive years fought in disorder continuously, didn't know in the imperial house how much soldier in valiant general, all celebrated emperor Li to lose life in succession in the malicious fierce offensive in the south, needed that war surname emperor one disease after passing away, just finally left her inside the whole temple and north together small emperor this was to the orphan and widow.
It the south celebrate Chen Ping Ping to use, north domestic affairs bureau turbulence, the princes and dukes nobilities in succession clamor, temple inside story power precarious.But at under the circumstance like this, this women still makes his/her own son steady to sit at Long Yi on.
Is the most important, certainly would be her at this time body side this big country teacher Be tough to declare.But also proved at the same time, this empress dowager.The sort that absolutely don't seem to be superficially to see is mediocre.
Bitterness lotus double the eye is serene to hope ripples interest isn't surface.
The queen mother is tiny tiny a smile.In the mind but think of in this years much inside the last capital city change.The palace has already changed in those early years.She lets long rather the Hou risk death a temple and beg heavy take person to aid.Is heavy and brocade the dress Wei is to sign big achievement.But emperor a toward growing up.But is permit not get heavy continue again overbearing next go.Hence moved a mind.
In the queen mother heart is to heavy is sorry and ashamed, but son's intention have been already settled, she knows to persuade.Then recognized tacitly the occurrence of this affair-war family.Seem to be forever all is persist so.It be impossibly influenced a change by the other people.For example her son.For example she nearby this.
But she still wants to continue to make great effort for a while, because of at the mid-night yesterday north together emperor with she long talked for a night.Always feel that this affair isn't as fine as that sort in the imagination.Please come to persuade the bitterness lotus country teacher-so just had today the side of pond salute.
"I have never seen Li Yun Rui.Just pass many airtight letters with her."Together the north queen mother alleviates to say.In front of bitterness lotus.Her nature can't claim to be an Ai house.The noodles permits although is still dignified,talk tone,be like her to be just not how reasonable young girl.
The bitterness lotus smiled to smile.Say:"The of Three Kingdoms is separated faraway.When Mo in the Chuang at the beginning should invite to go down south, have never seen as well that southern dynasty long princess' noodles."
The queen mother sighs to say:"So everyone in the Chuang left the whole life of Han."
The bitterness lotus shakes:"But I am to once see that long princess.So I clear, this woman is remarkable, this time southern dynasty Kyoto changes and take place thus of quick.The some action also has no, it is real to come from my idea to anticipate really."
"Bean bean meaning is ……" queen mother says after sinking the Cun a short moment:"Two countries cross swords.Finally still the national strength put together, or don't want to go insurance good."
"He why not come in person and I does this teacher Zu say?"The bitterness lotus smile way:"The kid is after all still young, probably not understand these years to celebrate country emperor is in a great mess.We why these old guys still watch out for thus."
He continues to say:"Because I am clear, you also clear, celebrate a country, that emperor really to isn't a common person.In the next generation.Didn't appear a big respected master, but appeared a resort to arms such as absolute being emperor king ……"his eyebrows is wrinkly to get up, " he bears more long, I more feel uneasy."
Together the north queen mother sighed tone and said:"It is even if such.Also have no what too good method."
The old man smiled to smile and took to descend Li hat, peep out that big bare-headed.The joyful says:"Is malicious the leaf flow cloud to also like to wear cap full world to run ……connect such a persons all the ability is used by Li Yun Rui, I believe, and this long princess will thought of way."
The topic goes to this, the queen mother knows to can not persuade the country teacher turn-over intention any further, polite say:"Uncle Ye, again see more, south dynasty affair, allow them to make to go by themselves, always have an advantage to us."
"Time wasn't much,beats by dre."The fishing pole in the bitterness lotus hand has no a silk to shiver.Slowly say:"If we these old guys can not work out this problem at a life time time, future who can solve?"
This words say with that big respected master in the grass hut of what it consistent.
Queen mother hand tiny tiny one Zhan, say with a smile:"Begonia this wench?Say again ……the south still has Fan Jian."
The bitterness lotus smiled and said:"Fan Jian, this young man will see he build to turn, if he is enough intelligent and strong, the affair this time, think that necessarily he will strive for the biggest advantage, also be regarded as me toward sending to one of his gift, with the disposition of this young man, now that accepted bean bean so great feeling, head quarter in the future read my north together a silk good."
Return a knot bottom, these north the together in power is clear, with national strength but talk about, in the in a short time, age-old abuses already a long time of the north together still can not catch up or outstrip south to celebrate, in the general situation, in more than ten years, still is south celebrate a lord to offend, north together lord guard, so would already accept feeling to read like a say.
"My originally thinking is a south dynasty the prince or old two opportunitieses is a little bit larger."The queen mother knits the brows to say.
The bitterness lotus shook to shake head:"Fan Jian like this kill to afraid of death of person, how may give them the opportunity of the place of honor, if really have this possibility, you think that he really loathes to give up to start homicide ……this whole world, can kill heart at Fan Jian bottom but ability deathless person.Totally also have no severals generally."
Queen mother tiny Zheng.Don't thought of that the country teacher arrives this kind of to unexpectedly strong Fan Jian's real strenght valuation.
"Not be forgetting, he after death still has a blind person, the leaf flows cloud but impossibly to south dynasty those emperor's sons are bodyguard."
The bitterness lotus smiled to smile.Brought up fishing pole in hand.Fasten fishing hook on fine thread of Gan.Didn't be like that sort boredom of some people to angle for fish with the cordage.To strive for dog's dung state.
Fishing hook water.The drop rises a few pure beads.Again fall to into water.This pond imperial palace in clear water, but seem quilt this a few pure bead Rao excitement get up.Hua a ripples of water is big cheerful.Concuss green water grass of water bottom helpless sway.
Numerous tails or gold or green fish jump a surface.The happy Teng jumps.Tap a surface to contain voice, seem is at toward hold fishing pole bitterness the monk mean to appreciate.
Water voice gradually returns quiet, outwardly flow from the indentation of pure pond.Drip a white jade.Again smooth half way hillock.Follow stone Che to resist waterway.Run off temple wall outside.Remit jade spring river in.The creek in a valley in temple is just the jade spring river subsidiary current, however in fact.Jade spring river of so get.But because of inside in the imperial palace that green mountain last creek in a valley-jade spring.The jade spring is also.
The jade spring river water upwards flows inside the capital city.Leave temple wall not faraway place.After a circle son.
This is exactly the begonia miss is that circle son.Is prosperous in last city win find quiet, really is an abnormality seldom good square.So ever the former Fan Jian Ji Feng led her Tu good it, but have never thought this to wait a farmland circle dark bottom inside expensive spirit hundred percent.Which there is half country for cent wild idea.
Go two misses in the circle at this time.Ascended the last outside wagon, the facing city expert entered.
Didn't use much for a long time.The wagon then arrived at the last capital city the most noisy of on taking, car soon naturally also slow come down, the carter seemed to hear while passing by a curio store woman inside the car compartment to invoke to stop down.
The begonia lets go of to start to pull car Lian right hand.Turn a head to Fan if if say:"Is your younger brother, don't descend to beat hello?"
If Fan if smiled to smile.Say:"Today since is that he pays, let's don't want to advance to see, be up capital city taking a walk first."
The begonia ordered to nod.The wagon again started, didn't disturb a person in the curio store.
Inside the curio store, a figure tiny fat youth is lowering the head to looking at in the merchandise.Is this person isn't a side person, drive Fan Jian Yi the feet Chuai got to last capital city and ate numerous suffering in the under charge of begonia, finally the cook will come out and received the Cui route Fan Jia Er's young masterses in the north of line of house, Fan Si Zhe.
Don't know to is to easily permit cause, the life still staying far away from home makes this youth a bit precocious, his eyebrow eye all ofs are ones at this time equanimity, all have no in those early years the color of overbearing horizontal Li, let people's lo wear compare his true age wanted mature many.
He is embracing the semicolon big Yan guest in upstairs city in month tonight, knew elder sister and begonia in advance these two persons who fear most by himself/herself want, so come out in the curio store to adopt to do a gift in advance, must let these two moods dulcify be, just saw for a long time, even let store the owner will hide goods to all go fetch to see, still keep being to have never found out to be satisfied with thing, make his mood some displeased.
His after death still follow those waists to wear machete north together superior's bodyguard, although the Fan Shi brothers heart knows the belly is clear, this affirmation is a north together the imperial house keep watch on crowd, the similar to Fan Jian brave of Fan Si Zhe, still keep like this and literally using, don't change hand.
The person who is different from still inside the store is seeing goods, from those people's color up can see don't enrich namely expensive, this curio store is the most famous, goods' selling is also the most expensive, so the person who dares to come in to pick thing is together all north the somebody isn't a huge Gu to would be power expensive.
These people incognizant Fan Si Zhe, but see he take four superiors to escort, inwardly guess this young man affirmative which house don't love a show off childe.
At this time store the owner was very the dish formally carrying a wood that the red cloth covers to walk to come in and gather together fan Si Zhe to say:"Childe, wants into a rightness of, also this."
Fan Si Zhe takes red cloth dime and see dish up what to put is a rightness of sons jade lion, vulture work best, lion tiger head tiger brain, cent outside lovely, he not from smile, wished to send this to still have begonia for elder sister to the son, really do for an occasion, also have some to give vent to anger to oneself meaning.
" This."He flicks.
Be partial to living unfortunately, flank those saw goods power expensive to also wish to have this to the jade lion, then begging Fan Si Zhe can raise to let, and a rich family playboy even would like to mean a sincerity for a red envelope.At last city or Kyoto east Yi city this kind of is generous, there are generally no too many battles power the bridge segment of the Duo goods occurrence, after all field various person all the right and wrong is rich namely expensive, who don't know as well to will give offense to who.
At up capital city inside, Fan Si Zhe is always low-key, the south celebrates sea to catch there is still his name on the clerk, so in addition to brocade dress Wei with celebrate a country imperial house and related officials, have no several individuals to know his true identity.If change the past days, be like this rich family childe's elder brother like this gentleness claim, Fan Si Zhe perhaps will grant, just he really has some to like this son to the jade lion today, so hesitating didn't open mouth.
This is hesitant, those powers are expensive the mood become very displeased, wishing these people of oneself already to foot face, if isn't a Hou Ye is invited to participate in an of vital importance party, will adopt the affair of doing the gift to hand over to a little childe, these people of oneself really need this to do a gift to valuable jades lions, would not say with this stranger.
Then at this time, those people separate, an expensive sons that touch 23-year-old power around walked out and pointed at Fan Si Zhe's work son to scold a way:"At up capital city, didn't°yet who dare contend for thing with me!"
Fan Si Zhe's eyebrows is wrinkly wrinkly, if before changing to make, only afraid he early shouted for the one punch head in the past, just the age was gradually long, the disposition wanted to stabilize a lot and asked a way:"You BE?"
Have one person the good heart to remind a way:"This is Chang-an the little childe of Hou house."
Chang-an Hou, long rather the Hou is together a north the full brother of queen mother, this identity is really enough highly respectable, but Fan Si Zhe tiny tiny one Zheng after, was damned to smile.
"Your dad the son want to give presents in the evening now BE?"Fan Si Zhe again how progress, but in those early years after all is completely lawless and godless of guy, bit a tooth, malicious stared at eyes of that kid's son, say:"Small fart thing!"
This talks a , opposite persons all rounded to come up, the public sentiment was roaring, seemed is prepare to begin.
Fan Si Zhe sneered at 1 and got four machete escort to come out a curio store.
On the wagon outside the store, a machete escorts a flash across in eye a difference color, ask Fan Si Zhe:"Owner, do you know that childe?"
Fan Si Zhe Cui one mouthful, scold a way:" Leveret Zai son, in those early years the eldest brother give°ed his hand pull break, incredibly some make progress all have no ……again dare ask for Lao Tze, in those early years Lao Tze give°ed his another hand pull!"
Inside the curio store, it is public to is also a Qu in every aspect and mutually, it is really big to wish in times before that guy courage, and incredibly and deserving noodles' scolding Chang-an childe in the Hou house is a small fart thing!
Gossip little Xu, that little childe adopts gift, strong endure wrath, jubilant return to mansion, follow behind own father, arrived at the last capital city lately could not open building semicolon of embracing of April month, prepare to take part in this time extremely important party.
However when he entered building son and sat to the father's side in the body, looking at first up is just talking with cousin while smiling the fatty whom the breeze livings, he is immediately silly eye.
His cousin call Wei China, is the whole Wei surname household inside's most outstanding young man is deeply appreciated by his majesty at present and serve as brocade dress Wei the town fondle department conductor the importance making handle, in the whole north together, all own extremely terrible power.
However such a severe person, at this time but and that youth's fatty talked to smile to don't hate, is like several years the friend companion is similar, the eyebrow eye seems to be still to have an unclear vigilance.
Chang-an the little childe Chi Chi of Hou house looking at this acts and wishes in times before a fatty elder brother of scolding the oneself small fart thing ……exactly is what person?
Fan Si Zhe and Wei China talks of empty son, use remaining to only glimpse a bottom, discover Chang-an the Hou incredibly took his that never-do-well son to come and wished so big age of old thing, how still living so small of son, don't not is wore a hat ……he one noodles stomach the Fei wear, one noodles toward Chang-an the Hou smiled to smile and beat hello.
This party is together what he starts, didn't invite outsider, all norths today imperial house country Qi's member, the purpose is also easy.South dynasty there news clear, Li Yun Rui has already collapsed and celebrates a local department the person who seems and doesn't be able to threaten an oneself elder brother any further, that oneself must hold this opportunity and chase the dish noodles of the whole business again extend some.
But together do business with north, in fact be with north together the person of emperor house do business.So please come to the owner of Wei house, invite begonia and elder sister again to press set noodles for he or she at the same time.
Is Fan Si Zhe afraid of?All low price goods of souths are on his hand, inside the product of database constantly and continuously record to hand over his hand clearly from summer, the person of Wei house wants to become rich, have to depend on him.
He is smiling to hope there is some Chang-an waiting of the varieties in the complexion wife and children childe, blinked to wink, meaning very clear, Lao Tze that to jade lion son?
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